
Choose Healthy

Choose Healthy is a transformative program designed to empower you to create a sustainable, healthy lifestyle you love. We focus on 80% mindset shifts and 20% practical strategies to help you:

◆ Break free from limiting beliefs that hold you back from a healthy relationship with food and your body.

◆ Develop a clear vision of your health and what a healthy life truly means.

◆ Unlock powerful habits that fit seamlessly into your life and create lasting change.

Choose Happy

Why are we told healing has to be a long, drawn-out process? Who has time for that? We are an instant gratification society and why can’t our healing be instant as well?

That’s where I come in. I’m not your typical therapist or coach. Let's eliminate your limiting beliefs and create the life of your dreams. I specialize in Rapid Transformational Therapy. You will shift after the first session.

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) combines hypnotherapy, NLP techniques, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, life coaching, and emotional healing all in a 90-minute to 2-hour session.

  • RTT is designed to give you rapid results by first identifying your limiting belief
  • Finding the root cause of that belief
  • Releasing that past belief
  • Creating your new empowering belief

It’s time to get your life back and empower your true self to thrive!

Choose You

We are all unique, so Gia takes the hybrid approach to guide you on your journey to a healthier happier you.

My goal is to help you seamlessly move from surviving to thriving, so you can enjoy life to the fullest. I walk with you on your journey to wholeness as you heal from past pain, reduce life stressors, find joy, and walk in your wholeness and purpose. Helping you change the narrative of your life.

We all need different things at different times, so we create a personalized approach that truly works for you.

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